# # RBAR Multiple rate adaptation MAC protocol # For ns2 version 2.27 # Create by Mingzhe Li (lmz@cs.wpi.edu) # May 1, 2004 ########################################## Files in rbar.tgz: readme.txt ------- This file ns227-rbar.tgz ------- RBAR source code scripts.tgz ------- Examples To Un-tar rbar.tgz > tar zxvf rbar.tgz The code was successfully tested on ns-allinone-2.27 on Susue Linux with kernel 2.6.5 and gcc version 3.3.3. ########################################## To install: Make sure you can successfully build ns2 before you start the following steps. Please refer the ns2 documents for more information on how to build ns2. 1. Copy ns227-rbar.tgz into /path/to/ns-2.27/ 2. Back up the original copy if you want to: file list: ./tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl ./common/packet-stamp.h ./common/packet.h ./mobile/prop_ricean.cc ./mobile/prop_ricean.h ./mac/mac-802_11.cc ./mac/mac-802_11.h ./mac/wireless-phy.cc ./Makefile.in 3. Un-tar ns227-rbar.tgz >tar zxvf ns227-rbar.tgz Original file will be over written. 4. Make ns: > make clean > make ns ############################################ To run: 1. Copy scripts.tgz to /pth/to/whatever/ 2. Un-tar the scripts > tar zxvf scripts.tgz 3. Follow the usage: usage: ns main.tcl argv0 (example): main.tcl scenario (example): cbr, expo... connectivity (example): scen, scen-moibile.... mode: 1 --> RBAR 0 --> single-rate 802.11 If you use single-rate 802.11, please set the dataRate_ and PXThresh_ in main.tcl propagation: 1 ---> Ricean 0 ---> TwoRayGround 4. Note: If you use single-rate 802.11, please set the dataRate_ and PXThresh_ in main.tcl. Otherwise the default rate will be 1Mbps. 5. Note: You can modify cbr.tcl to change traffic generation 6. Note: You can also change scen to change the topology and mobility. ###################################### For more information please visit: http://perform.wpi.edu/downloads/#rbar For any questions related to this project, please contact: Mark Claypool (claypool@cs.wpi.edu), Robert Kinicki (rek@cs.wpi.edu), or Mingzhe Li (lmz@cs.wpi.edu). The original scripts and implementation for ns2.17 are downloadable from Rice network group. http://www-ece.rice.edu/networks/software/OAR/OAR.html ###################################### Last Modify: May 1, 2004 by Mingzhe Li